Stocklist (34)


   Vertical Turret Lathe - Single Column


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction faceplate ø swing ø turning height CNC
33320 DOERRIES 1981 3200 5100 2500

   Vertical Turret Lathe - Double Column


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction faceplate ø swing ø turning height CNC
33470 SKODA 1972 4750 5180 3260


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction faceplate ø swing ø turning height CNC
34391 SCHIESS-FRORIEP 19--/2005 4200 4600 4000
34345 HANKOOK 2013 9000 12000 6000

   Heavy Duty Lathe


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction turning ø over bed turning ø over slide turning length CNC
34207 WALDRICH-SIEGEN 19--/2000 1500 1500 6000
33776 WALDRICH 1960 2000 1640 12000
34261 CRAVEN 1963 4100 3500 12200


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction turning ø over bed turning ø over slide turning length CNC
33846 KRAMATORSK 1984 1650 1340 11500
32777 SCHNEIDER 19--/91 2200 1800 5000

   Facing Lathe


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction faceplate ø turning ø over slide turning length CNC
34378 ZERBST 1994/2012 4000 6000 2800

   CNC Lathe


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction turning ø turning length control CNC
34324 GIANA 2011 2600 12000 SIEMENS 840D


   Floor Type Boring and Milling M/C - Hor.


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction spindle ø x-travel y-travel CNC
34376 Dörries-Scharmann 1992 150 13000 2400


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction spindle ø x-travel y-travel CNC
33275 WOTAN 1993/2000 160 7000 3500
34068 WOTAN ----/2004 160 10000 3800

   Ram-Type Floor Boring and Milling M/C


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction spindle ø x-travel y-travel CNC
34328 SCHARMANN 1991 150 11000 3000
34086 WOTAN 1985/2000/2010 160 16000 4455
34287 SCHARMANN 19--/2003 160 19000 3500
34344 WALDRICH-SIEGEN 1978/2007 200 15000 5000
34110 INNOCENTI 19--/2008 200 16000 5000

   Deephole Boring Machine


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction solid bore ø max. boring depth swing ø CNC
33968 BEYER 1980 320 6000 650
33228 BEYER 1972 550 10000 1000

Milling Machines



Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction x-travel y-travel z-travel CNC
34300 WALDRICH-SIEGEN 19--/2004 12000 7300 3000

   Double Column Milling M/C - Gantry Type


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction x-travel y-travel z-travel CNC
34343 JOBS 2009 4500 3650 1100
34307 SCHIESS-FRORIEP 1992 19000 7500 1600

Gear Making Machines

   Gear Hobbing Machine - Vertical


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction max. wheel ø gear width max. module CNC
33942 PFAUTER 1984/2006 3000 1200 36
34392 PFAUTER 2009 3200 1800 30

   Gear Hobbing Machine - Horizontal


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction max. wheel ø gear width max. module CNC
34399 STANKO 1985 500 3000 25

   Gear Testing Machine


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction max. wheel ø gear width max. module CNC
32890 KLINGELNBERG 1983/2001 1200 300 20
33168 KLINGELNBERG 1985/1995 1600 350 25

Grinding Machines

   Roll Grinding Machine


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction grinding ø grinding length swing ø CNC
34208 FARREL 19--/2003 900 4000 --

Sheet Metal Working/Shears/Bending/Straightening

   Straightening Machine - Cold Plate


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction plate width plate thickness number of rolls CNC
34249 WMW 1984/2015 1600 20 11
34107 WMW-GOTHA 1986 2500 32 7

Machine Accessories etc.

   Adjusting Instrument


Machine Manufacturer Year of Construction longitudinal travel cross travel table length CNC
32665 ZOLLER 1986 540 540 ----